TLGBQ+ Cultural‎
Sensitivity Training

Really Enlightening

It was really enlightening to think about what it means to actively be an ally, like adopting policies and actions that are truly trans friendly, rather than just not being anti-trans.

Get Cities Training
Nov 2023

TransSOCIAL's TLGBQ+ Cultural Sensitivity Training is a workshop on LGBTQ+ inclusion and ally-ship. Multiple Trans-identified trainers will guide you through an introduction to LGBTQ+ identities, terminology, community history, lived experiences and inclusive workplace policies. Our training also includes reflective questions and a printable Resource Guide for your future reference. This training received the award for Outstanding Contributions to Trans Health Training & Education at the 2019 Southern Trans Health & Wellness Conference.

This training will give your team a solid foundation of knowledge about the TLGBQ+ community and allow them to speak with confidence when addressing the unique needs and considerations of staff and clients that identify on the TLGBQ+ spectrum. 

TransSOCIAL's Virtual TLGBQ+ Cultural Sensitivity Training includes:

  • Basic TLGBQ+ Terminology
  • Common Lived Experiences of the TLGBQ+ Community, including Statistics
  • Trans Advocacy & Allyship, including Pronoun Use
  • Worth 2 CLE credits

TransSOCIAL’s leadership is also available for individual consultations to evaluate and recommend changes to your internal policies and procedures to ensure a safe and affirming space for the TLGBQ+ community.

Check out some of our testimonials:

A Perfect Blend

It was a perfect blend of metrics, policy, action items and compassion. Loved this session and looking forward to continuing supporting it, step by step.

Get Cities Training
Nov 2023

Bridged The Gaps

Thank you for raising awareness. I always felt the trans community was marginalized, but adding statistical data bridged the gaps has helped increase awareness.

Get Cities Training
April 2024

Please reach out to with any inquiries or questions!
Get a sneak peek at the topics of our training at 
TLGBQ+ Cultural‎ Sensitivity Training

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