Trans Day of Remembrance

Trans Day of Remembrance
+ Trans Day of Visibility
Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is a heartbreaking annual event held on November 20th to mourn the loss of countless transgender individuals who were killed due to anti-transgender violence. The origin of this day stems from the tragic death of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was brutally murdered in Boston, Massachusetts in 1998. Her death ignited a fury of anger and frustration, fueling demands for justice and greater awareness of the alarming rates of violence against transgender individuals.
The creation of the Transgender Day of Remembrance serves as a testament to the profound impact of Rita Hester’s life and the fight for justice that she inspired. It’s a somber and necessary occasion to honor the memories of transgender individuals who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence and to demand change.
Despite the worldwide observance of TDOR, Florida has a particularly sorrowful history of violence and hatred against the transgender community. Each year, there are likely to be TDOR events held throughout the state to commemorate those who have lost their lives to transphobia and hate. These events may take the form of candlelight vigils, marches, and community gatherings that aim to remember and honor those who have been killed.
It is truly devastating that in 2020, Florida had the highest number of reported transgender homicides in the United States, with at least 12 transgender people killed, as reported by the Human Rights Campaign. TDOR in Florida serves as a poignant and solemn reminder of the ongoing need for greater awareness, acceptance, and protection for transgender individuals.

Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is a critical opportunity for the transgender community to gather and uplift one another. On March 31st each year, the community comes together to celebrate their resilience and strength while having the opportunity to create awareness of the challenges they face daily.
There is a diverse range of TDOV events one can involve themselves in. This includes marches, rallies, and community gatherings that aim to raise awareness about the issues faced by transgender individuals. The events are a chance to advocate for transgender rights and visibility while also celebrating the contributions made by the transgender community to the state.
Despite some progress in recent years, the transgender community in South Florida still faces significant discrimination, harassment, and violence. These issues are not limited to one particular aspect of their lives, as transgender individuals face obstacles in employment, housing, healthcare, general safety, and livelihood.
It is crucial that Florida continues to support and celebrate the transgender community on TDOV and throughout the year, working towards creating a world that is more inclusive, safe, and welcoming for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression.

Crisis Hotlines
National Transgender Lifeline Crisis Line
Staffed by Transgender Individuals
Organization in need of volunteers; locale is not a problem.
Crisis Help: The Trevor Project
24 Hour Telephone: 866-488-7386